The Big Bundle
The Big Bundle is our most comprehensive online learning bundle consisting of ten courses for educational practitioners to break down barriers to learning for pupils with SEND, with reflective practice to inspire practical and effective change.
The Big Bundle builds the foundations of understanding why multi sensory learning is crucial for learners with severe/complex learning needs and autism or both. We explore the importance of the senses in learning. What does this mean if our learners have difficulty interpreting the information their senses send to them?
For learners with multi sensory impairment, the learning environment can be challenging. For learners with autism, the specific sensory difficulties they may experience also impacts their learning. We provide practical strategies, adaptations and ideas to support these learners.
We consider what we mean by difficult behaviour, which often arises from unmet needs. We look at triggers, including sensory overload and environmental issues, suggesting simple but effective ways of profiling learners’ needs to create a sensory profile.
We then look at more specific learning environments such as the multi sensory room and classroom and introduce an environmental audit. Great classroom design helps to engage every child in their learning! What can you change in your classroom today to make a difference tomorrow? We consider what makes an exciting and flexible multi sensory room. Discover how you can maximise the effective use of your multi sensory space. An audit is a powerful tool, and we look at using this in the broader school environment for effective change.
Using sensory stories within the classroom is a perfect way to extend your learners’ multi sensory learning opportunities. We introduce the best low-cost sensory tools, showing you how to create engaging sensory learning activities and innovative portable sensory learning environments to use them in.
Throughout, we consider how learners with severe/complex learning needs, sensory impairments or autism may experience barriers to learning and explore practical and innovative strategies to reduce these barriers.
The senses and learning:
The course outline:
Module 1: An introduction to multisensory learning
Module 2: Our sensory system and the eight senses
Module 3: Sensory impairment and barriers to learning
Module 4: Repetition and neuroscience in multisensory learning

The Senses and Learning
Our senses play a vital role in living and learning. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how our learners receive and understand the information their senses send to them.
This course looks in-depth at each of our eight senses and how we use them. We explain how learners with severe/complex learning needs, sensory impairments and/or autism may experience barriers to learning and explore practical strategies to reduce these barriers, including the use of repetition.
An introduction to visual impairments:
The course outline:
Module 1: Visual Impairments and their implications for learning
Module 2: Identifying a visual impairment or loss
Module 3: Classroom adaptations
Module 4: Functional effects of a visual impairment in the classroom
Module 5: Useful general classroom strategies

An introduction to visual impairments
For learners with visual impairment, the environment can be challenging. We look at the types of visual impairment, causes and their implications for learning. Finally, we provide practical strategies and ideas for classroom adaptations to support learners with a visual impairment in the learning environment.
An introduction to hearing impairments:
The course outline:
Module 1: Hearing Impairments
Module 2: Causes of Hearing Loss
Module 3: Implications of Hearing Impairments for Learning

An introduction to hearing impairments
Hearing impairment affects how a learner interacts with their environment. This course explains the types of hearing impairment, their causes and implications for learning. Finally, we provide practical strategies and ideas for classroom adaptations to support learners with hearing impairment in the learning environment.
Sensory approaches for learners with autism:
The course outline:
Module 1: What is Autism?
Module 2: Sensory Differences in Autism
Module 3: Creating a Sensory Profile
Module 4: Using a Sensory Profile with positive and protective strategies in the classroom

An introduction to sensory approaches for learners with autism
Each learner with autism is unique! We outline the specific sensory difficulties experienced by learners with autism and the resulting impact on their learning. You will explore simple but effective ways of profiling a learner’s needs and how to use this information to create a Sensory Profile. You will discover practical classroom strategies to support a learner with autism to be more successful in their learning.
Autism and difficult behaviour:
The course outline:
Module 1: Autism and difficult behaviour
Module 2: Communication and difficult behaviour
Module 3: Environment and difficult behaviour
Module 4: Support
Module 5: Planning

Autism and difficult behaviour
Learners with Autism often have complex needs, which can be hard to meet. Difficult behaviour arises from unmet needs. We look at ‘difficult’ behaviour and its triggers and explore a range of practical, effective ideas and strategies to use.
Creating inspiring sensory classrooms
The course outline:
Module 1: Why do I need a sensory classroom?
Module 2: Classroom organisation
Module 3: Environmental Barriers to Learning in the Classroom

Creating inspiring sensory classrooms
Great classroom design helps to engage every child in their learning! Discover how to create inspiring sensory classrooms, implement a sensory curriculum, offer learners a personalised curriculum and reduce barriers to their learning.
Developing a multi sensory room for SEND
The course outline:
Module 1: What is a Sensory Room?
Module 2: Multisensory Room Design: For Autism and Complex Needs
Module 3: Revamping a Tired Multi Sensory Room
Module 4: Multisensory Room Supply and Installation
Module 5: The Structure of a Multisensory Room
Module 6: Multi Sensory Room Equipment
Module 7: The Role of the Multisensory Room Coordinator

Developing a multi sensory room for SEND
This course explores the practical design of a multisensory room. It looks at different room types and their use. There are tips for revamping a tired existing room, choosing equipment, preparing a suppliers’ brief, room structure and maintenance.
Introducing an environmental audit
The course outline:
Module A: Why do we need an environmental audit?
Module B: Six key factors in the classroom environment
Module C: Using the environmental audit in your learning space
Module D: Practical suggestions following your environmental audit
Module E: A case study

Introducing an environmental audit
Learners with sensory difficulties and autism or both may find it difficult to concentrate or learn in the classroom. This audit is a practical tool designed to help practitioners identify barriers to learning to make effective changes.
Creating Engaging Sensory Stories:
The course outline:
Module 1: What is a Sensory Story
Module 2: How to create a sensory story
Module 3: Sensory Story Environments
Module 4: Using technology in a sensory story

Creating Engaging Sensory Stories
For all learners, with or without SEND, sensory stories can be much more interactive and engaging than stories read traditionally.
In this course, you will learn about the critical characteristics of a sensory story, why this method of storytelling supports multisensory learning and how to create a sensory story easily using our helpful template, which is available to download.
Sensory on a shoestring and portable sensory environments:
The course outline:
Module 1: Safety first
Module 2: Top cheap and cheerful sensory tools
Module 3: Portable sensory environments

Sensory on a shoestring and portable sensory environments
This course showcases some of the best low-cost sensory tools. Informative videos show how to create engaging sensory learning activities. We suggest a variety of portable sensory learning environments. We include a safety briefing.